Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Government reinstates Pluto’s status as planet
Dwarf made planet under OBC quota

The international astronomical society may have demoted Pluto to the status of a dwarf, but the government today declared that Pluto would remain a Planet under the OBC quota for planets.
A statement released by the HRD ministry declared. “The government is in the process of finalizing a policy for implementation of reservations in outer space. But Pluto is reinstated under the OBC category with immediate effect.”

Noted social activist Kancha Illiah welcomed the move and said “the planets have been dominated by the upper castes for far too long. Pluto was demoted on castiest lines by the upper casts anyway”.
When asked for evidence to support his claim, he added “Pluto was known as the dark planet making it an easy target for discrimination. Even the Sanskrit word for the ‘universe’- Bhramaan, sounds much like Brahmin for my liking”

Rejecting the argument of the International Astronomical Society about the size of Pluto making it ineligible for its status as a planet, Union HRD Minister Arjun Singh said that the only reason Pluto was small was because it was not allowed to grow due to discrimination against it. He hoped that this reinstatement of its status would help it grow and compete.”

Meanwhile insiders say a mad scramble has begun in political circles to lobby for a probe to be sent to Pluto to “investigate the possibility of life and a cast based vote bank”.

In other news, the Knowledge commission declared it was very close to providing a solution for the question of why it was constituted in the first place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was well written and very funny!